Payment Methods - Paying with PayPal
PayPal Payment Method:
While Tanah does accept electronic funds transfers (EFT), our preferred and most secure payment method is PayPal. You can pay directly with your credit card through PayPal or use your PayPal account. Please note that we do not store your card information on our site. You can select your preferred payment method during checkout.
Ensuring Online Safety with PayPal:
Ensuring secure payments can be a concern for buyers, as unprotected details are vulnerable to opportunistic hackers. PayPal alleviates this concern by prioritising online security. When you purchase with PayPal, they will often facilitate the payment to the seller before debiting funds from your account. This means your financial details remain encrypted and safeguarded.
Enhanced Security:
Your financial information is securely encrypted within PayPal's servers, granting you confidence while shopping. Additionally, PayPal diligently monitors transactions around the clock to detect and prevent fraud.
You can link multiple cards and bank accounts to your PayPal account and choose the preferred source during checkout. It's worth noting that you don't need to have funds in your PayPal account to complete a purchase. Moreover, most cards still earn reward points when used through PayPal.
PayPal offers the convenience of making payments on numerous mobile sites and apps. You can also use our app to send money to friends and family. Quick log-in using your mobile number and PIN ensures seamless and rapid checkouts.
Purchase Protection:
Rest easy while shopping. PayPal provides coverage in case of issues with your purchase. If an eligible item fails to arrive or significantly differs from the seller's description, PayPal offers assistance to recover your money, up to $20,000.
How PayPal Safeguards You:
- Every transaction undergoes rigorous monitoring and is safeguarded through advanced encryption to thwart fraud and identity theft. PayPal is a leader in risk management, continuously updating its systems to counter external threats and provide a secure buying experience.
Protecting Your Finances:
- In a world where hackers are becoming more sophisticated, banks and card providers are adding extra layers of security for online payments. PayPal is committed to streamlining this process for you without compromising safety. If an unauthorised transaction occurs, report it, and we'll manage the resolution process.
Safeguarding Your Purchases:
- We recognise that occasionally purchases may go differently than planned. In such cases, if an eligible item you bought online doesn't arrive or significantly differs from the description, PayPal offers reimbursement for the total purchase price and shipping costs, up to $20,000 per item. We will also never let a customer down at Tanah Essential Oil Company.